The enclosed document is merely a windows-friendly version of an excellent on-line tutorial available at It's creation culminated from spare time, interest in Assembler, and eyestrain from having to view it in one font. I have included multiple font sizes, bold text, underlining, and borders (viewable in MS Word.) for all you Windows users who are sick of D/L'ing huge tutorial files only to find them in boring old .txt format. Recommended viewing applications are MS Word, MS WordPad, or Inso's Quick View Plus (Best general pupose viewer out there, hands down.) I have in no way changed the document's content from its original .txt format (save a few spelling errors and broken sentences.) Thanks to: YOU for taking the time to read this file and... The good people at U of Guadalajara who did all the REAL work in making one of the most complete, informative Assembler tutorials available for free use on the web. R. DeYoung Grand Rapids Community College Student Grand Rapids, MI